Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hannah Videos

Here's some more videos of Hannah. The first one was taken monday morning. Hannah turned three weeks old on Sunday morning, so in this video she's 3 weeks and 1 day old.

(NOTE: All videos can be downloaded directly from my computer by going to my FTP site. When you download it from me, you'll get a very large file in MPEG2 format, which is DVD-quality. Your player needs to support wide-aspect, 16x9 video. Most players do. Also, if your web browser won't play the videos on the blog, you can go directly to YouTube and view it there by clicking the link beneath each video.)

Hannah Three Weeks Old:


This next video is of Mary and I taking a trip to the mall on labor day. This was Hannah's debut experience with the general public, and I think she handled it with poise and dignity. Also, this was a big deal for Mary, who has barely left the house in 3 weeks.

Hannah Mall Trip:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the mall video. Can you please make a sequel?:)