Friday, March 02, 2007

Food Success

So I am sure this is not pediatrition approved, but Hannah's new favorite food is a bagel. I have given her one to suck on for the past two days-- and she loves it. She sucks and sucks and sucks on it. By the time she actually gets a little piece in her mouth it is so mushy it does not really seem to be a choking hazard, but rather a glorified Gerber puff. She likes playing with her cup but the second any juice actually goes in her mouth she gives a "I don't like this face". The face she gives when she is given anything to eat besides a bagel or a gerber puff.

Today we went to story time at the library. I met the woman who does it at the Library on Monday. She convinced me that Hannah would enjoy the story time on Fridays which has lots of singing and movement. It was great. We sang songs about numbers, colors, animals, and she read 3 fun books. I think we will make this a weekly event.

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