Tuesday, October 27, 2009


As a stay at home mom, it is tempting to think my life is only a bunch of mundane, seemingly meaningless tasks. Some of these tasks include things like: wiping bottoms, cleaning spit up, trying to make a nutritious meal no one will eat, etc. Some days I feel like I move from task to task just surviving- that I am in a constant battle to bring order to chaos. In past two weeks two warriors lost their battles with cancer. Brian and I hired a babysitter to go to one of these memorial services. We feel it is really important to reflect and celebrate those who have past on before us as well as deal with the painful reality of death. Because of these deaths, I have thought about the reality of my every day life. Yes, it is indeed true that I am in a constant battle with chaos and too often I lose that battle. But, there is a truth that is greater than my little struggle. I have two souls I interact with on a daily basis. God has given me the instruments of prayer and the guide of His Word to raise these souls. He has a plan for us and He can accomplish more than I ever could by worrying. Too often I turn to methods and worry instead of this truth. I am afraid of pain and death as well. I worry about what would happen to Hannah and Charis is something happened to us. I was reminded at the memorial service that all of our days are ordained by the Lord. He has ordained every single one of my days and I can trust in Him. Today I remember Cliff Bernard and Beth Rettig for their faith and endurance. They fought as hard as they could and although we are pained-- Death ultimately does not have the victory. We are assured in Christ who was raised from the dead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mary. What a beautiful message! Thank you!